Jeff Schmid Leaves Streetjesus

27 09 2011

Something happened earlier today that shocked everyone close to this project and will greatly impact the viewing audience that has been following Streetjesus for nearly 2 years.  Our main contributor of content, as well as team manager and my close personal friend Jeff Schmid has decided to part ways with Streetjesus, and it’s affiliated projects.

I am not going to try and speak on Jeff’s behalf, but I will try and outline for all of you the immediate impacts that this will have on the day-to-day operations of the site.  First off, let me begin by saying Jeff’s decision to leave was an amicable one, and his time spent on this project was and is greatly appreciated and highly valuable.  Jeff played a major roll in the daily operation of Streetjesus as a website accounting for most, and often all of the online content that appeared on the page.  He was also responsible for founding and maintaining the team portion of our efforts including managing their online content as well as keeping up the working relationship with our team members.

As a result of the decision Jeff has made, several key things will have to change, at least for the immediate future.  This will include the dissolution of our team as it is currently structured.  This means that the “Team” section of the page will no longer operate as it has been, but that is basically where the changes stop.  Streetjesus will continue to post content from friends and riders close to us, and support their careers and endeavors if they chose to continue using us as an outlet.  In addition to this, the behind-the-scenes efforts that have been made to support our artists and riders will continue to move in a direction that will benefit these people, as well as future Streetjesus ambassadors.

As far as the daily content of the site goes that will also see minor changes moving forward.  All of you have probably noticed Jeff has nearly been the sole contributor of content to the website.  This move means that content will obviously suffer a slight set-back, but rest assured every effort is, and will continue to be made to keep the site and it’s content at the highest level possible.

The biggest thing with this decision is that Streetjesus today, has effectively lost its   most valuable member.  The enthusiasm that Jeff has shown to this project over the previous months has been immeasurable and is something that will be greatly missed.  This does not mean however, that Jeff is no longer a part of the Streetjesus family, as his input, insight and personal feelings toward the action sports world are highly valuable and are something that will always command a high level of attention and respect.

“Streetjesus started as friends, who were inspired by what was happening in our lives.  We are stoked.  Now we want to share that feeling with as many people as we possibly can.  Sick of over commercialized cheese ball perspectives of our lives by the mainstream media, we are taking our stories to the streets and putting them where they belong…In your face.

This is what we do; this is who we are…THIS IS STREETJESUS.”

This is a statement that still holds true and will never change, it is the reason this project was started and it will continue to be the thought process that pushes it forward.

I speak for our entire viewership and myself when I say that I would like to thank Jeff for all of the hard work and effort that he has put toward this and wish him nothing but the best of luck with his future endeavors as well as his current undertakings.

I would also like to sincerely thank all of you for the support and love you have shown us and hope that you continue to look to Streetjesus as your source for stoke, emotion and passion in the online world of action sports, and keep making our presence felt where it matters most… In the Streets.





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