
Streetjesus is based on some very basic principals.  The goal we have in mind is to bring the action sports and lifestyle industry to the attention of people who might otherwise not think twice about it.  The people who affect our daily lives are athletes, businessmen, designers and enthusiasts whose reason for getting out of bed in the morning is this very thing.  We are a part of this industry, but more importantly, we are fans of this way of life.  It’s time to do our part.

Taking the knowledge and insight we have about this way of life and getting the ones who care about it the most to help us spread the word. We want to get it into the hands of the masses.

With this in mind we plan on getting people in the know on everything from wake, skate, and snow to surf, moto, fashion trends and everything in between.  Streetjesus has an ever-expanding network that is becoming a who’s who of the Canadian action sports industry, not to mention most of North America.  If something fresh and buzz worthy is going on anywhere in our world, we are going to do our best to get you relevant content just as soon as we catch wind.

Streetjesus started as friends, who were inspired by what was happening in our lives.  We are stoked.  Now we want to share that feeling with as many people as we possibly can.  Sick of over commercialized cheese ball perspectives of our lives by the mainstream media, we are taking our stories to the streets and putting them where they belong…In your face.

This is what we do; this is who we are…THIS IS STREETJESUS