Streetjesus Gets Ambitious

1 10 2011

Even though as of right now the “Team” has hit a bump in the road, that definitely doesn’t mean that the followers for all things shred aren’t out there killing it as per usual.  Our boys Austin and Mitch aren’t just assassins on the rolly boards, but they do pretty good on the wheel-less boards too.

They both proudly rip for Ambition Snowskates, a real sponsor and they were busy stacking footy all season for the latest product entitled “Skrill Clinton”.  Snowskating has always had a place in the heart of Jesus, because it’s really cool and definitely not as easy as it looks.  I have tried a few times, and if I’m an 8 out of 10 on the shitty skater scale, I am an 11 on the snowskate side.

On the plus side, there are these kids, who make me feel like the world is a better place when I watch them do their thing.  Congrats to Alex, Nick, David Engerer, Zack Alworden, Chancellor Huguey, Justin Majeczky, Dom Blanchette, Roby Provost, Steven Socknaki, S-P Goulet, Nick Stefani, Taras Ryabokon, Josh Seguin, Bjorn R-G, COSD, Phil Moreau, Mitch Serbu, Austin Welter, Phil Smage and Alan Gerlach on an amazing video.  Here is to another great year in 2012.

Check them out at Ambition Snowskates